Thursday, June 26, 2014

10 Architects, Firms, Designers & Students you should follow on Instagram right now

Instagram is the app that turned everyone and your uncle into a photographer. It allows you to show a vintage looking photo of the donut you’re eating, and you can even post it to Facebook to show that you “like” donuts and you can tweet about #donuts. But many architects, architecture firms, designers, small business owners and students have employed Instagram as a tool to promote what they’re doing and share it with the world. As an architecture student, I get a lot of inspiration for ideas from the designs and concepts of other architects. (You should see my architecture Pinterest board) So instead of looking at your phone during class because you’re bored, you can now look at it to be inspired. Here’s my top 10 list of architecture related Instagrams that I follow and you should too.

#1: @archdaily

This one should be a give in. It is after all the most visited architecture website in the world. Their mission “ to improve the quality of life of the next 3 billion people that will move into cities in the next 40 years, by providing inspiration, knowledge and tools to the architects who will have the challenge to design for them.” All the photos taken on their Instagram are by Editor in Chief David Basulto on his iPhone 5s.

#2: @pjhmarchitects

PJHM Architects is an architecture firm in California.  PJHM is an Interdisciplinary Architecture and Research Firm Specializing in Educational and Civic Projects. They are “school architects” specializing in providing environmentally and fiscally responsible architecture for their clients.

#3: @leemindle

Lee F Mindel is a partner in Shelton, Mindel & Associates Inc. They are a planning, architecture, interiors and product design firm. "We distill ideas to their most pure and meaningful state," explains Mindel. "Simplicity is the most complicated thing to pursue, but when all elements synthesize, they transcend mere enclosure and become an art form."

#4: @dmeek

Demond Meek is a photographer based out in the Mid West, St. Louis area. He created the hastag on his instagram #slumbeautiful where he takes photos of “slum” buildings and makes them look beautiful. It’s a fun account to follow, his work can be found at and

#5: @urbanscape

Urbanscapes description is “Love architecture, fine arts, design, classical music, jazz, opera, ballet, performing arts....” and the photos show it. They include a wide variety of architecture, people in spaces, nature and food! Yum!

#6: @darkitectura

Julio Juarez  founded Darkitectura under a collective format. Currently Darkitectura is a think-tank which seeks to insert their projects as they indicate in"architectural brackets is the transition from modernism to ParametrĂ­a". They opened in 2003 in Mexico City, Mexico.

#7: @franparente

Fran Parente is a Brazilian Architectural and Interior Design Photographer based in New York and available for commissions worldwide. Their instagram highlights their wide range of skills through stunning photos of spaces and people.

#8: @jdsaenz26

A fellow architecture student and friend of mine, Jorge Saenz uses his Instagram account to showcase architecture that he finds interesting, with some photos by him and others from architectural sources AND photos of his own designs from studying architecture at RWU. Give him a follow!

#9: @kokpedro

Pedro Kok is an architectural photographer who likes bikes and coffee in Brazil. His images highlight a range of views from entire buildings to close up details, with the occasional bike and cup of coffee of course.

#10: @shoparchitects

Shop Architects is an architecture firm located in lower Manhattan. There range of services inculdes architecture, interior design and master planning. They strive to combine the forces of design, finance and technology to produce great architecture.

Now there are many many many more architecture based/focused Instagram accounts out there, but these are the ones I personally follow. Once I get out of school and have a chance to do a bit more sightseeing I’m sure I’ll try and join the elite list of architecture Instagrams.

What are some other architecture based Instagram accounts I should follow?


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